Protege tu tienda en línea de los fraudes en internet en México

Protect your online store from internet fraud in Mexico

If you have an online store or shop online frequently, it is a problem that you know about the "famous" online frauds, fake sales, cloned cards or even fraudulent stores.

However, don't worry, there are many ways to protect yourself against online fraud and reduce the chance of falling victim to online scams.

The first thing you have to know is that electronic commerce has brought with it many positive aspects to Mexico, even more so during COVID-19 and in this post-pandemic stage, but not everything is rosy, since the negative side is the increase in online fraud; which consists of false purchases or purchases made with cloned cards or stolen bank details. That is, it is when someone buys a product or service in your online store, marketplace or in some channel of your business on the internet or e-commerce, but does not pay in a real way or it is necessary to return the money because the purchase was did it illegally with other people's money.

Some tips to avoid online fraud are:

1.- Verify the security of your online store with an SSL certificate

2.- Do not share your banking information or credit or debit card numbers with suspicious sites or those that do not have credibility

3.- Use strong passwords

4.- Check the reputation of the online store before making a purchase

5.- Use anti-virus software

6.- Check and verify the address, email and telephone number of your client or potential buyer

7.- Check the number of times you have tried to buy and the no. of cards you have used, in case you have too many attempts, consider it as a fraudulent transaction and cancel the order

8.- Implement a secure payment system to reduce fraudulent transactions

At Company during the year 2021, we received a fraudulent attack of 10,000 transactions that were not real through some of our "e-commerce units", this situation made us evaluate more than 1,000 orders, in addition to redesigning our customer strategy. customer service, shield our contact center and technology to avoid these types of problems.

Learn more in the "History" section found in our main menu.

If you have any questions or require advice, do not hesitate to contact us, we want you to be able to create, develop, manage and scale your online business.

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