Contributions and Benefits


In addition to looking for e-commerce and technology solutions, we seek to give something more to those around us and contribute to the world.

  • Charity

    We contribute a grain of sand to people with a low socioeconomic level.

  • Education

    We promote education and continuous innovation for constant improvement in the development of people.

  • Donation

    To institutions and/or foundations that help abandoned and homeless minors.

  • Employment

    Generating new job opportunities thanks to the technologies and solutions that are developed.

  • Environment

    Safeguarding the planet by avoiding actions that could harm it for present and future benefits.

  • Research and Innovation

    Our constant studies about new technologies help generate new solutions and better alternatives.

  • Rescues

    Preservation and rescue of abandoned pets without homes and food.

We are an organization of people and companies with the same objective

We want to demonstrate that with our business model based on technology, big data, automation and software we can contribute to everyone.

Improve the Planet

By being a technology company and basing our activities and projects through the Internet, we help minimize damage to the world.

Improve People's Self-Confidence and Well-being

Providing tools capable of generating business on the Internet through online commerce.

Improve Living Standards

Giving access to educational resources and accessible solutions within everyone's reach.