¿Proyectos en la industria 4.0?

Projects in industry 4.0?

In today's era, companies looking to stand out cannot ignore the power of digital transformation. This shift towards what is known as a "Data Driven Enterprise" or company based on digital data is crucial to staying competitive in today's market.

According to Gartner, it is expected that by 2022, 90% of corporate strategies will consider data exploitation and analysis as a critical business asset and core competency.

Technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence and Cloud Computing have opened the doors to accessing millions of data generated automatically from various digital sources. Companies can convert this torrent of information into profitable actions.

The IoT marks the beginning of the digital transformation by enabling the generation of digital data from equipment and systems, using sensors, PLCs, cameras and other devices that transform analog data into digital. This foundation is fundamental for any Industry 4.0 project; Without data, there is no progress.

However, a crucial dilemma arises for companies: what is the best approach to start this digital transformation with Industry 4.0 technologies? Most find themselves at a crossroads, without a clear guide on how to get started.

On the one hand, some companies face specific challenges and look for an expert who understands their problem and designs a tailored solution, with a project that has a defined beginning and end. On the other hand, some opt for market-proven solutions to address common industry problems, such as unscheduled shutdowns of industrial equipment.

Choosing the right path is complex and depends on several factors. To make an informed decision, it is important to consider a few key questions:

  • How unique is my process or business?
  • Am I willing to pay a license to use the solution, with the risk of losing access to the information if I stop paying?
  • Do I need an immediate solution or can I wait to see the results?
  • Is my company willing to adapt or modify its current process, or am I looking for a solution that integrates without major changes?

Each answer addresses a business need and leads to a different approach to digital transformation. As you can see, there are advantages and disadvantages to both approaches.

Product Type Solution:


  • Low initial investment
  • Quickly visible results
  • Greater security and stability


  • Less customization
  • Loss of access to the solution when you stop paying
  • Greater resistance to change

Solution by Project:


  • Designed specifically for your needs
  • You have ownership of the code
  • Less resistance to change due to team involvement in the design process


  • Greater initial investment and, therefore, a potentially longer Return on Investment
  • Dependence on the vendor who designed the solution
  • Greater risk as it is not proven in the market, which may require more time for iteration and experimentation.

Both approaches are effective in the digital transformation process towards Industry 4.0. Start by defining the needs of your business and move in the direction that best suits your situation. Time is key in this process!

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