La relación entre el servicio al cliente y la fidelidad de tus clientes

The relationship between customer service and the loyalty of your customers

Your customers are human beings with feelings just like you, and they will always expect your brand to contribute something valuable to their lives and business, even if only momentarily. From the moment they discover your existence, their opinion about your brand begins to form and this can be positive or negative.

By investing in attention and service strategies for your customers, you are investing in the value that your brand transmits. Regardless of what you sell, you are in the people business, and by designing high-quality service standards, you are demonstrating a genuine interest in listening, attending to, managing and solving the concerns and difficulties that may arise for your customers.

The quality of your service will support the benefits and characteristics of your brand or, on the contrary, it will subtract and minimize the value that it has cost you so much effort to follow. Good service will increase the possibility of a customer speaking positively about your brand to their close circle of family and friends by up to 50%. If you achieve this type of recommendation, you will be strengthening your value promise and consolidating trust in your brand.

Remember that today, it is no longer enough to have products of excellent quality and competitive prices. In order to grow, advance and develop, it is essential that your service adapts to the profile of your clients, connects with their emotions, awakens pleasant memories, and provides usefulness. and opportunity, be perceived as a facilitator of your objectives and show consistency in all the channels in which your brand is present.

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