What is the package you use to make shipments?
We use professional parcel services such as FedEx, Estafeta, RedPack, among others. The package is selected based on the shipping address provided at the time of placing the order. We make sure that the parcel has coverage in the area.
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Pinterest: @lavoignetcompany
TikTok: @lavoig.net.official
LinkedIn: @company/lavoignet
Twitter: @lavoig_net
Twitch: @lavoig_net
- Lázaro Cárdenas 1007 Residencial Santa Barbara, 66266 San Pedro Garza García Nuevo León, Mexico.
- Av. Boulevard Díaz Ordaz 123, Corporativo Santa María Torre 2 Piso 4 64650, Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico.
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